Welcome. Our worship today will be led by the Praise Group.
Worship next week will be conducted by Rev Ishie MacDonald in the main church building.
Please join us in the hall for refreshments and hall anniversary events after the service today and, if you are visiting us, there is a visitors book which we’d be delighted if you would sign – it’s usually in one of the porches, but let us know if you can’t find it.
There will be an Evening Fellowship at the manse (24 Aird – on the Muir of Aird road, Benbecula) at 7pm today. All welcome.
Thursday 3 October: Prayer meeting and bible studies: 11am at Griminish and 4.30pm at Clachan.
Monday 7 October: Needles & Pins at 2pm in the hall.
Tuesday 8 October: Carinish Kirk Session at 7.30pm in the church hall.
Thursday 10 October: Prayer meeting and bible study at 4.30pm in the hall.
Leaflets for this year’s Blythswood Shoebox Appeal are available in the porches. Filled shoeboxes to be returned by Sunday 27 October.
A Pulpit Supply Rota is on the notice boards.
Stamp Appeal: It has been decided to continue the 2023 Appeal into 2024. This is to “help the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) improve nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, create youth employment and mitigate the impact of the climate crisis.” Box in the porch for your stamps.
A box is available at the back of the hall for Food Bank contributions.
If you are able to prepare refreshments after the Sunday service, or provide flowers for the services, or clean the church, please add your name to the rotas on the noticeboard in the hall porch. Many thanks to those who have served in this way.
The Kirk Session will finalise its response to the Presbytery Questionnaire on Tuesday, so if you want to make any contribution, no matter how limited, please do so by email to Alastair banks@madasafish.com by noon Tuesday 8 October.
Intimations and other church information can be viewed on our church website www.carinish-church.co.uk
New information to be displayed may be sent to Alastair Banks.
Could all intimations required for a Sunday please be phoned to or emailed to Alastair by mid-week or, at the latest, Friday – Tel or text 07901 950856, or Tel 01876 580617, or email banks@madasafish.com
If there are any bereavement or pastoral issues, community or hospital visiting required, please contact Rev Ishie Macdonald, Tel. 01870 601190, or email Ishie.Macdonald@churchofscotland.org.uk